PRP Skin Rejuvenation

The use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in cosmetics is getting great results. This scientific research article placed PRP in one section of skin and just placebo (saline) in another section of skin. About a month later they took samples from both sections and examined them under a microscope. The section of skin treated with PRP had a higher level of good collagen. Collagen helps skin keep a fresh, youthful appearance. Dr A.J. Cummings has years of experience using PRP to rejuvenate skin.

Hair Restoration

25 Jul 2017 Hair Restoration, PRP

Our providers have been using regenerative medicine techniques for years with great results. One such area is hair restoration. We use cutting edge techniques to harness your body’s own growth factors (PRP) to get your thinning hair back into the growth cycle and give you fuller, thicker hair.

